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I thought of my sister as a sexual person at all times.How many times had I tried to find some way to sneak a peek at her body or any part thereof? How many times had I jerked off to the memory of some near miss down her blouse or up her skirt or some imagined crease in her bathing suit? My sister fueled most of my teenage fantasies. Now she was approaching the bed where I slept on my back, sporting an enormous erection. Her hand was in the same position where Mom's hand had been.Was this some sort of conspiracy? Had they colluded in some manner for some obscure reason or was it simply the fact that they were very similar in many ways and had apparently made the same decision regarding me, only days apart?My hand fairly flew over my bursting rod as I watched to see whether she would go as far as Mom, or even further.Julie seemed to lack the hesitancy that Mom had shown. She had her hand on her pussy when she came in the door and didn't hesitate at all as she came up to the bed. Maybe. ?Lisa redoublant de sanglots refusa de leur ob?ir. Elle dit aux autres qu'elle se foutait pas mal de ce qui allait s'ensuivre mais qu'elle ne se soumettrait pas ? leurs ordres.Jeannette essaya de la convaincre que c'?tait la seule fa?on acceptable d'op?rer mais elle courut s'enfermer dans la salle de bain refusant d'en sortir.?Devon murmura ? l'oreille quelque chose ? l'oreille de Jeannette qui secoua la t?te en signe de refus mais elle prit un sachet de poudre blanche qu'elle dilua dans un verre d'eau.Elle informa alors Lisa, au travers de la porte qu'elle n'avait pas ? les suivre ? condition qu'elle reste dans la chambre et taise leur m?saventure.Lisa, sanglotante, sortit de la selle de bain enroul?e dans une robe de bain alors que sa mini jupe et le top qui devaient constituer sa tenue jonchaient au sol.Elle lui tendit le verre d'eau qu'elle avait en main et la regarda boire, puis les 3 autres abandonn?rent Lisa ? son sort et gagn?rent le bar en compagnie de Devon et Jimmy.?Devon.
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