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She could have easily objected to it, but here she was, presenting her bottom to me for more. I stared at her reddening bum for ages. I was turned on like never before. I placed the palm of my hand on her bum and smoothed it over. I felt the heat through my skin, and I could see her pussy, dripping onto the bedclothes. I have never seen Emma in this state in my life, and I liked it. No, I loved it. This was heaven. My hand came down twice more, once on each cheek, not as hard as the first two but they both caused Emma to cry out. I eventually started to get worried that the neighbours may soon be knocking down the door demanding to know what was going on. I had visions of police cars and officers forcing entry and arresting me for domestic abuse and rescuing Emma from the attempted strangulation caused by the rope around her neck. Yet, I couldn’t just stop this wonderful feeling. One more smack on Emma’s bum. Emma let out one long cry. Even I felt that one. Emma started to sob into. ”I said. “It looks you got things well in hand here. I need to return to Itheamh once more to make sure our guests get to a safe place.”Shea said. “I heard you rescued a woman and her children. We saw the execution, as it was broadcast. Heavily edited of course but it was still horrible.”“Yes it was. I was under the impression Itheamh was a lawful somewhat oppressed but normal world, but it is anything but.”Sobody got up and said, “It is, Captain. It is just not Union laws they are enforcing. The Ithe have a long and violent history. This world is not their real home world after all. It is the second one, the first one had been made barren and inhabitable by a nuclear war. The Ithe society here grew out of a former colony. Ithe and Drak are the same species.”He walked towards the main screen that showed the planet below from a visual feed of the dock the Tigershark was still in. He pointed at the world below. “This world is barely able to sustain life. It is a very dry world with very.
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