I shut my sight limited, trying to not experience the discomfort. But the discomfort was frustrating and I was moaning and writhing on the bed like a reptile.And at last, he provided a final push and his penis was fully within my ass. I experienced something very big, hot and difficult down in my ass and I experienced so filled up. He came nearer to me, put his arms around my neck and kissed my lips and drawn on it.He kissed me in my throat as if consoling me of that discomfort. When I saw his experience, I could sense that he was experiencing all of this and I experienced excellent that I am providing him all the satisfaction he needed though it gives me some discomfort.Slowly the discomfort disappear, and he slowly began sporting front part and rear, the hug me and fondling me often. I experienced an excellent mix of discomfort and satisfaction whenever he shifted his difficult penis in and out of my small light red anus; and I was moaning and writhing on the bed.I covered my feet. Doe was back from her daily run, and was dressed accordingly: black spandex from ankles to neck. As usual, I could detect a sports bra, but no panties. Damned little tease. She repeated "I said get up!" What's your problem?" I asked, irritated."Forget about that game, I have a favour to ask you!" Asking me a favour by shouting at me, calling me lazy and interrupting my game? Some nerve!" I replied, knowing the game was... and there it was. Another victory."You done now?" Yes, I am." I turned around fully, resisting the temptation to look at her body. She was damned fine. Both my sisters were, even though they were incredibly different. Doe took after mom; lithe, tall with an all natural, all genetic athletic build. Aria, instead, took after dad, but it worked. It worked damned well. She was smaller than Doe, but with a lot more curves: hips, thighs and breasts that would put most women to shame. I shook my head and tried to focus on Doe. "What do you want?" I want you to get in.
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