I remembered how soft that hair is, like down. My penis throbbed and began to hurt. Her prominent clitoral hood was readily visible through the hair. The exposed, fleshy labia major and paper thin labia minora between her slender thighs made me think of the incredible warmth and wetness inside. My penis could take no more. She moved to me, pressed her incredible body against me and gave me a long, tender kiss. She began unbuttoning my shirt. I reached down to unfasten my belt. ‘Let me,’ she said, removing my shirt, moving my hands away from my belt and completing the unbuckling. She unzipped my fly and laughed lightly. ‘Look, he wants to come out and play!’ I looked down and saw the tip, all of the tip, of my cock protruding above the waistband of my shorts. ‘And a little present for me,’ she said, wiping a large drop of pre-cum off. I could barely stand the pleasure of her finger touching it. She licked her finger, ‘Yum! And my, so purple!’ she continued. I looked, it was purplish. Then, as their lips just gently connected with each other an inch above my cock, they both began to move back south and work on my cock more. Each tongue caressing the both sides of my cock, leaving a wet trail of each other's saliva in their wake upon the foreskin that showed the blood bulging inside the veins upon the lengthened and hardened cock between them.Each taking turns to caress my balls in their hands, and sliding their soft palms and fingertips back and forth upon my thighs, working their way in to my inner thighs and sending my cock into emotional torment of involuntary movement. I began to softly whisper out "I'm gonna cum!" as I could feel the eruptions inside my body began to explode.The two girls moved to the head of my cock, swelling and glistening in the soft light. The slit oozing soft pre-cum that had slowly made it's way free as the two girls began to flick their tongues upon the head, licking and caressing it with their tongues. I knew I could no longer hold it.
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