Legs deliberately opened. Panties in a flash on the floor. It was her turn to direct Bernard’s hands elsewhere. Monsignor couldn’t resist, no man could this billowing invitation. Her labial spinnaker was unfurled; her jib was wet and sticky. Chastity was infectious; she kept growing on Bernard like his smoking, pleasurable but dangerous.She had a patch of bright orange pubes above her clit-hood. He ran his fingers through them. He eased her hood up and exposed her chic little clit; it was alert and ready for touch. Small but it packed the full punch of delight. Lick it and Chastity was off in self possessive delirium, the nympho state of being.Bernard knew she liked the clit focus. Hard and tense, the tongue flicking till she burst. Her legs spread further apart, stretching away from self. Bernard held the flick, under the bud, the licking upwards, pushing her clit up and away. He knew this was the pattern, she had told him. When she wanted something from sex, she asked. Amazing at. And then back to her place afterwards, she reckoned, maybe just the two of them, without inviting back one of the other girls, even Ebony, the Jamaican girl who she normally always had time for, even if extra sex with her didn’t officially count. And if she was that good, well, maybe she’d be an eight. Or even a nine! But that would be too much of a good thing. And so it was to be. But not before Amy’s appetite had been whetted with a bit of double penetration from Dirk and Handy Andy, underneath the strobes, in front of the early evening audience. Amy blew kisses at some of the regulars and some new ones she’d never seen before, while Dirk’s prick thrust in and out of her arse, and she lowered and raised her crotch on Andy’s ever-reliable ten-inch prick. It was a good night. There was a good atmosphere. She grinned avariciously at the pile of notes that were scattered on the stage and were being added to as the punters tossed more towards her. She’d get her normal 50%, while the.
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