Off late he had not been so much satisfied with anyone else, as much he had been with Kiran. And since the day Kiran had silently disappeared, he had been longing to get her back.Kiran too, in the meantime, had cured her guilt with a little help from Dr. Roy, and was now eager to get back and get laid by Reddy. And while she waited, she enjoyed her last days in her hometown, to the full. She had already met Dr. Roy twice for some private sessions, and those had been equally fruitful and pleasurable. And she had started feeling so relaxed and bolder than she had been feeling before.And now she was never been short of finding opportunities to have fun. Just the other day, she was planning to go and visit her best friend from college days. Before leaving Kolkata, she thought it will be great to spend a day with her best friend, and so Kiran had called her to plan if they could spend the Saturday evening together. But unfortunately Kiran’s friend was not at home, as she had left to visit. ”Mom grunted as she walked with my arm around her. The door closed behind us. We took it slow up the stairs and then into her bedroom on the right. She stood by the side of the bed, rolled her head and yawned. “Damn, I’m so tired. Would you help...”I took a step forward from over by the dresser, but stopped when she slipped her blouse over her head and tossed it on the floor. She reached behind her back, trying to find the latch on her bra, then turned to face away from me. “ ... get this for me?”“Yeah ... sure.” After another step forward, I reached out and felt my fingers slide acrossed her warm back before my index fingers and thumbs worked to get the hooks undone. After the bra got tossed in the direction of the blouse, she unsnapped her jeans and pushed them and her panties down past her knees. Losing balance, she spun and fell backwards on the bed.“Mom?” She didn’t answer, but at least I could see chest moving.“Shit.” She was out, but I couldn’t leave her there, legs over the.
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