I loved the feelings that Deshawn was giving me. His cock's throbbing action made me cum again. I had the distinct feeling I was becoming Deshawn's cum bucket. He has cum in me so many times now. As Deshawn withdrew his cock from me, I slipped my finger's into my crotch. I pinched my pussy lips together and headed back to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and pushed his cum out of me. I washed my pussy again and took off my dress. My new lingerie set had three pieces, bra, panties and a shorty gown. I put on the bra and looked in the mirror. I could see my nipples and areolas through the sheer white fabric. I slipped on the thong and my pubic hair was very obvious. The crotch portion slipped between my pussy lips and disappeared. The gown made everything else look hot. Now it was time to let Deshawn see me. Deshawn was sitting on the edge of the bed. His black cock flaccid and laying on his thighs. I think my man was fucked out for awhile. He looked at me and sat up abruptly. . The blow was heavy and sounded like a shot in the classroom. He swung again. With the second blow, the pain from the welts was fully realized and I felt hot tears spring to my eyes. Daddy swung again and I pitched forward slightly. Daddy grabbed me around the waist and began beating my ass with short, hard strokes. I could hear background noises from my students as I lost any hope of composure. He smoothed the skirt down over my hips and swung again and again. The paddling seemed to go on forever. When I thought he would stop at ten, he gave me 15 and then 16 and then… Howling and blubbering, Daddy pulled me into his arms. I cried and cried as he stroked my hair and shushed me. “You need to do better,” he whispered in my ear. I nodded wordlessly. The applause from the students was drowned out by the bell which signaled the end of session. I felt Daddy pulling me by my wrist out into the hallway and through the throngs of students. When he pulled me into the teacher’s lounge, he.
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