" "I think she'd look better in something skimpier myself," drawled Archie, a burly loading dock worker, who didn't notice Mitch's slight reddening. That earned him a cuff from his working partner, Tom. "That chick is clearly a minor, dude. You got a thing for little girls?" "Naw, I just think all good-looking girls should wear less. Now, fat broads, they can cover up." "It is a coverup," said Shaver, a pale fellow with a lot of tattoos. "The government was testing some kind of new weapon on civilians, probably a hallucinatory gas, and this is the puppet media's attempt to conceal the facts." Mitch chuckled. "You are so full of it, Shaver. Weren't you the one who claimed X-Files was a disinformation campaign to confuse people about the evil Deros from the hollow interior of Earth?" "It's true, I tell you, all true!" As the probably paranoid lathe operator ranted, everyone else's conversation turned to the previous day's Twins game. The consensus was that the team. " Great!" exclaimed John excitedly. "What's the other choice?" Ill show you." said Carol as she walked to the closet. When she turnedback, she was holding a gingham square dance dress with at least twohuge petticoats. "You can wear this instead, if you prefer. Though I'mnot sure how practical it is for getting any outdoors work done." sheteased."Oh God!" cried John. "No, there's no way I'm wearing that ridiculousthing! I'll wear this awful thing instead." You had better show some appreciation for the outfits I choose for youin the future or you'll find yourself dressed like a four year old onher way to a birthday party!" Carol warned.John apologized for his outburst and quickly got dressed in the gauchooutfit. He was sure he would look ridiculous and was humiliated when hefinally looked at himself in the mirror. Carol gushed about how darlinghe looked in the outfit and instructed him to freshen his lipstick andshooed him out the door."Get back here in time to make lunch my little.
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