Since I had a remote that did more than just change the number of pulses - which was not limited on the remote, I varied the frequency and added ramp variation to both the amplitude and frequency of the shocks. I also adjusted the relative timing so that the pulse hit her pussy a fraction of a second - or even a full second - before or after it hit her breasts. I also tried the cascade effect that hit her ass cheeks, ass, pussy and then breasts in rapid sequence. And all the while, I kept her just short of orgasm. If it looked like she was going to cum, I backed off the intensity to minimum for a couple of rounds. She was pouring sweat and grunting and thrashing so violently that the cage was swaying slightly as she moved. Then she started yelling into her gag. It was impossible to tell for sure what she was saying, but it sounded an awfully lot like "Please! Please! Please! Please! Let me cum! Let me cum!"Finally, I had pity on her - well not so much finally having. Why I took this whip off a pervert just a couple of hours ago!"From somewhere he produced a wicked looking cat of nine tails! Before she could react to the terror building, he brought it swinging down hard on her breasts, making no attempt to pull the blow. It took several more seconds for Jenny to realize that there had been no pain with the blow. Looking more carefully she could see that the 'whip' was made out of very soft cloth, it only looked like leather. She had been hurt more in friendly pillow fights.Her passion roared back, amplified. She found the idea of being helpless before prevent, sexy. He pulled up her nightgown so that her breasts were in the open and he struck her several more times with his 'whip'. The only pain was from the hardness of her nipples as they shot to attention. When he whipped her between her legs, she felt her arousal actually drip down to sheet. She was sure she was making a wet spot.Taking the whip handle, he rubbed it up and down her slit, and.
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