No promise there. I don’t know how busy it will get for me.’ Barry’s voice had a different ring to it. ‘Please, Barry. Call me before you go to bed. I don’t care what time it is. I don’t care if you wake me up. Just please call me.’ He could hear the tightness in her throat. ‘Ok, I’ll call you when I slip into bed. I gotta go. Bye, love.’ The remainder of the day was filled with meetings and facility tours. Lunch was brought into the large conference room as the top executives were trying to score points with the new man at the top. It was another ego boost for Barry, but he kept it well hidden and under control. It was after six o’clock that the last meeting ended. Barry was driven over to the Westin hotel where he was booked for the night, and where the dinner meeting was going to be held later. He wanted to take a shower and change into a fresh shirt before going down for the dinner. As he walked into the hotel lobby, he saw the three crew members of the GeoTex jet sitting in the. I lost my love but gained a profession.It was about a month and a half after my brother's wedding when I received a call. I said hello and heard a woman's voice, "Jerry, is that you?" Oh, my God, it was Jenny."Yes, Jenny, it's me. What's the matter? Is there a problem?" No, on the contrary. Jim and I are coming to the 4th of July party you invited us to in Columbus. It will be so nice to see you again. I'll kind of have to remember that Jim's my husband and hold it together. I promise you I will dance with you."I had no idea what the hell she was talking about. I never talked to Jim. I didn't want to scare her but I had to find out about this party. "Jenny, not to aggravate you but I go to a lot of parties and I will definitely be there. When did I mention this party to Jim?" He said you probably wouldn't remember but it was at your brother's bachelor party. Anyway I really can't wait to see you. Please don't tell Jim I called. I don't think he would be too happy with me calling you..
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