‘It’s not as easy as you might think to-‘ ‘SILENCE!’ she screamed at me. ‘It’s my job to keep order here and see that the rules are followed no matter HOW difficult it might be to adhere to those rules! And when a girl like you breaks the rules in front of witnesses, you set a bad example! You encourage the other prisoners and inspire them to think maybe they should be breaking the rules too!’ ‘I don’t want to set a bad example, Warden. All I want-.’ ‘One more word and I’ll have the guards gag you,’ the warden said, interrupting me. ‘Now that the other prisoners have seen you breaking the rules, they’ve have to see you getting punished. I need to make an example out of you.’ I wisely decided to keep my mouth shut at this point. The warden said that I’d be gagged if I spoke up again, and I really didn’t want to be gagged. ‘We’ll punish you publicly out in the exercise yard. It’ll take some time to organize it…at least twenty minutes. In the meantime I’ve got some ideas for what we can. She sat with her legs crossed looking quite grown up really and when she did look up and spoke it was with a clipped school mistress like voice, but I had to say one that I found quite erotic, strict, a voice I wanted to obey, a voice that made me want to masturbate. So when I got back to my room and before reading again that is what I did. My hand slipped between my legs whilst thinking about Jaden telling me off, maybe holding the wooden spoon in her hand, threatening to spank me, and I would quiver as she spoke. All those thoughts went through my mind as rubbed my pussy edging my fingers inside and finding my clit, my wetness making it all so erotic as I brought myself to orgasm. I took from my draw the large wooden kitchen spoon I kept hidden and rubbed it on my bare bottom cheeks, lightly tapping myself, a couple of times hitting my bottom harder, sharper, harder, but knew I mustn’t mark myself as I was fully expecting Jaden to spank me again and did not want her to know I.
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