Please whip my bare ass” Without a moment’s hesitation it seemed, she heard the belt swish through the air before landing with a loud “THWAP!” on her ass. “One!” she cried out, only having a moment to register that whoever was beating her certainly wasn’t shy about holding back before the next came crashing done. “Two!” The strokes were just as strong, if not more so, than Tom’s. He obviously had told this person to give the job his best effort. THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! the strokes came and came. Tom had always seemed to space them out a bit, taking her reaction into consideration, and giving her a little breather when it seemed like she needed it. Sure, he would use that time to admonish her, but at least it meant giving her sore ass a short break. Since talking would give her punisher’s identity away….and just who the hell was it anyway???......and since Tom could have no way of gauging her reaction over the phone, the strokes came methodically, without mercy of even. It has a woodenseat, a carved wooden back, and wooden arms. I rise, go over and stand infront of it. I lift the hem of my gymslip and drop my knickers to myankles. Then I kneel, bend over the seat, and grasp the arms. Carved intothe back is a grinning demon mask. It always seems to be laughing at mypredicament, at my humiliation.Almost the worst part is the anticipation before the caning starts. I feelmy guts wrench as I feel the hem of my gymslip being lifted and tuckedinto the sash at my waist, exposing my bare bottom. Then my darling Daddy,who is actually my husband, says"Count the strokes. And don't forget to thank me after each one"Bad as the anticipation is, the reality is always worse. There is a swish,a thwack, and a line of fire across my bum!"Uhh - one. Thank you, Daddy."Swish! Thwack! "Uhh - two. Thank you, Daddy."Each session I am determined that I won't cry, but each time my bodybetrays me. By the sixth stroke I am sniffing.Wesley doesn't spare me, but swings the whippy.
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