Since he was just staring at her, she had continued to babble on. “Of course if this is a bad time, I can just wait outside on your stoop until a better time. It’s not supposed to rain all day, just a storm passing through. As if the very gods were working with her and against him, this last announcement had been accompanied by a rolling grumble of thunder and a flash of lightning. “No, no”, he finally managed, “you can’t just stay on my stoop”! “Oh. Thank goodness, I thought for a minute you weren’t going to ask me to stay”! With that has come another fifty thousand watt smile. He at last had enough of his senses back to focus on at least one thing she had said. “You were in the neighborhood, just passing by? Where do you live”? Again with the smile, he really needed his shades. “Oh, I live in D.C.”, she had replied as if it were the next street over. “D.C.? As in Washington? The United States? and you were just passing by my door? Not to mention how did you know this was my. He finally got upset and grabbed my head and held my nose until I was unable to breath and had no other choice but to open my mouth. Once my mouth was opened he put his dick in and the let go of my nose, my mouth was full of his dick so I did what he wanted and started sucking. I could not use my hands because they were still tied up so I did the best I could under the circumstance. He held on to my head and was thrusting in my mouth causing me to gag, as I gagged he started getting harder, and his moans were getting louder. He kept going until I felt myself about to vomit then he took his other hand and pinched my nose and then I could not breathe at all. So, he is holding my head, has my nose pinched and shoving his dick inside my mouth and I am gagging, spit is coming out of my mouth going down my chin, his dick is harder than it was, my pussy was wetter than I wanted it to be. He lets go of my head and nose and pulls out, his dick was soaked with my spit and hard as fuck, I.
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