She walked back towards me placing her self over my dick. I pulled her thong to the side teasing her soaking wet pussy with my middle finger gently circling her clit. With my other hand I placed to fingers in her mouth “Make these wet for daddy baby girl” Eve obliged giving the same sucking motion she had just previously given to my cock. After a couple of moments I removed my fingers from her mouth gliding them from her mouth, behind her gently along her back before reaching her ass. With the two soaking fingers I made a swirling motion around her asshole, which evoked Eve to lean in an kiss me again. As we were passionately kissing I eased one finger into her tight ass and one into her soaking pussy. Eve pulled away from the kiss moaning heavily before she reached to the centre of her cleavage un-clasping her bra, letting her perky B-cup tits motion with her thrusting onto my fingers. She eased her tits towards my mouth with my tongue gliding over her left nipple as her moans. Katie’s head jerks along with the leash. Forced to look into his eyes, she mutters softly “Yes…” as tears begin to well up from the pain. The fear.He smiles down at her. “Good. Now’s the part you’re going to like…” He turns to the side where a small black leather bag sits. Soon he pulls out a handheld camera and flips it on, pointing down at her naked, kneeling, and helpless body. “You’re going to be a star, bitch.” He chuckles, then motions toward his pants. “Get it out.”She slowly looks up at the camera with fear in her eyes. Maybe someone watching this will help her, she thinks to herself. Katie reaches up with her hands slightly trembling and slowly unzips his pants. Carefully she reaches her small hand into his pants and almost instantly feels his warm and throbbing-ly hard cock. She fishes it out with slow care. When it’s out, she drops her hands back to her side as she looks up at his camera.“You know what to do with it.” He grins from behind the lens. “Sluts.
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