This is something I've wanted to experience; let yourself go. You begin to unbutton my blouse, moving it down my shoulders, then you slide it from beneath me. I feel a slight chill, and know that my nipples have hardened within my bra. You've seen it too; your hands move down towards the clasp in front and open it, sliding the straps over my shoulders and off. How must I look to you now I wonder. I feel your fingertips at my waist, just underneath the edge of the garter belt. Lower still, just at the edge of my thong, gently touching my skin. As arousal begins to replace anxiety, I can think of nothing I would not let you do. Just touch me, I silently beg. Anything.You continue your soft, teasing touch endlessly. I begin to squirm, wanting more, anticipation making me impatient. After what seems to be an interminable wait, one finger slides under the edge of my thong, high up on my leg. It begins a very slow caress, up and down, each movement bringing it slightly lower. My hips begin. She explained that she had been lonely since her husband had past away three years prior.I comforted her placing my arms around her, pulling her close for a sensual kiss and telling her that I understood.I began to rub her shoulders and told her to lie on her stomach on the bed where I could perform a more complete massage,beginning first with her feet then calves and when I got to her thighs,I moved my hands further up and began to massage her buttocks in slow circular motions to the lower most portion where I took my hands and spread her thighs out wide and reached my hand under to sticking my hand up under where I could feel her downy soft patch of coal black pubic hair as I pulled my hand backwards,I raised my middle finger up towards her tight little slit,where there was a considerable amount of moisture oozing from her soft downy heavily pubed pussy.I pulled my finger back and and placed it in my mouth tasting her tangy sweet juices which made my cock throb in anticipation! She.
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