Often until sunset I'd walk around bare chested. But I didn't have tits that would drive men ga-ga. Sunrise did. I burned my fingers several times trying to operate the stove when my attention was centered on her two delightful female attributes. She also had the prettiest little pussy mound. Once in town she shaved it for me because I'd expressed curiosity. It wasn't so much that I wanted to know what it felt like to fuck a bare pussy. Katlin and Missy didn't shave, but had such sparse hair that it was almost like they were naked. I just like talking to females about their sex organs when we're lovers. What might have been offensive has become a turn on. And I love turning girls on. Though lately in my life the females are mostly always turned on! What a difference from when I was married. I can't remember my first wife ever really getting turned on. The only time I saw a woman have an orgasm was when I was having an affair with one of the other women in the neighborhood. . Reluctantly she did.He laid on top of her and she felt his chest pressed against her breasts and his hardness against her thighs. She cringed as his hardness pressed against her slit, she was dry."Wrap your legs around me", Janice did.Wayne pushed forward hard driving himself into her, she cried out. Wayne tried to kiss her but she turned her head away from him."Everything is going to change for you from today, enjoy because you will not remember anything of today, there are lots of memories you are going to lose and you will gain new memories that you think are real but they are not. You will forget about what is happening now and tomorrow you will be back in love with me." Whispered Wayne in her ear, "you will soon be having lots of sex and enjoying it."Janice was puzzled by what he said. Wayne started to pump himself hard into her, his rape seemed to last an eternity, Ruth reached out and held Janice's hand as he abused her. Then she was no longer dry as he delivered his cum into.
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