It fell just past her shoulders, which was short for a Dizyntk female. Her tail was a bit longer than most, as would be expected since she was tall. She was also in extremely good shape. This was only to be expected of one who served in the Sapphire Royal Guard. All in all she would be considered very pretty by any Dizyntk.Virathea had friends, even a few close ones. She occasionally had sex with these close friends, but she had never met anyone that she thought she loved. Mostly this had to do with scent, not unusual for her people. This had all changed just a week ago. She had been helping replace a panel on one of the human ships. She had only done so because Ariarisha had asked her to. It was then that she had caught a scent that almost made her drop the panel she was holding. Normally, Virathea thought that she had no good use for humans. So you can imagine her confusion when she realized that this scent that had caused her mouth to water had come from one of these humans. It. I dropped the robe shyly and i swear i heard him take a sharp breath in.I set my one foot in and he stopped me. "Right, now im gonn be Lil blunt but you need to understand you're my model and not a lil girl anymore, okay?"I nodded"Okay now, jess, i need to be as sexy as you can be, look into the camera like you want it, lay back" he said as he came close lifting my leg from within the car and raising it on the steering wheel. I felt hot as i saw him stare at my crotch a bit too long. He held his camera up"Now"I was getting horny.No one ever talked like that to me and so i posed for him."Good, really good baby, now spread your legs wider and fall back", he mentionedI laid back as i spread my legs wider.Ooh, i felt so good, being so open to him. "No, this is not working. Okay i want you to get off and climb on the hood and get the same pose"I did as he told but i felt myself slip down, in a haste i moved to the right to hold the corner of the car and felt a cold breeze go against my.
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