Unexpectedly you shove two fingers up my ass. I wither and groan as my nine inch black dick grows even larger as you remain deep throating me. This time I do not hold back. I reward your effort shooting stream after gooey stream of cum into your stomach. Smiling to yourself, you know that I now possess you completely, as you feel my length throbbing in your throat.Feeling it shrinking, I am now totally spent. Again you smile as the head slowly withdraws from your throat. You lick it with your tongue. However you are not through. You kiss, lick and nibble on my manhood. Hearing me groan, you suck my rapidly reviving rod with all you have. Pressing your nose against my balls, your tongue swirls about the bulbous head as it enters your throat again. You are back bobbing your head up and down my shaft again. Wanting more of my seed, you need to feel my huge dick fill and expand your throat. Using your throat to fuck my dick, it's not long before you observe it expand and explode. Shooting. Dave and I worked Tammy's hot spots and Jean took me into her hand and worked her thumb around the underside of my dick where it is so sensitive. Tammy's nipples stood straight out against my tongue and I flicked just the tip, then sucked as much of her tit into my mouth as I could. I slowly bled off the suction and let her breast ooze out of my mouth ending up with just the nipple against my pursed lips. "God that feels wonderful!" she said. "Let me show you what that feels like."She grabbed us by the penises and made us stand up in the tub in front of her. Okay, so I was slightly bigger than Dave, which made me feel pretty good. At least they weren't all hung like what's-his-nuts in the other room.In real life I'd never seen another mans' penis erect before, and since she had one of us in each hand it was pretty hard not to stare. Tammy took turns blowing us, stroking the one not in her mouth. The warm wetness of her mouth was fabulous! Every so often she'd stuff both of us into.
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