"I do assume your'e stopping over again right Tom?" She teased. My heart lifted again. "Of course I am baby girl," I replied with a smile. "Good, well you better go and get a change of clothes then for tomorrow after shower time...," She left that hanging in for about five seconds before continuing; "Well, time to work," she chirped. So, in wonder at how she could switch so quickly from sexy, naughty Kath to bossy, work-orientated Katherine, I quickly nipped back to my flat to grab a change of clothes. On the way back I got a text from Kath; 'Hey babe, miss you already hurry back. Oh and when you come in don't knock just come in. Also, be quiet i'm going on Skype to Cory to sort things out and it's probably best he didn't know anybody was here. Ly' When I did get back to Kath's flat I texted her letting her know I was about to come in and waited for my phone to tell me she had read it before entering silently and making my way over to the bed. From what I could tell, Cory was. ‘My wife is going to have to learn a thing or two.’ ‘You’re married?’ they both exclaimed. ‘Ah, yeah,’ he shrugged his shoulders, and then was gone. ‘You slapper,’ Julia laughed as the door closed. ‘I’m so sorry if I offended you, little Miss Innocent,’ Belinda batted her eyelids. ‘So you should be…’ Julia ran her eyes over Belinda’s body. ‘That’s not really a Miss Innocent look in your eyes you know,’ Belinda whispered. As they bantered back and forth, the space between them closed, until finally Belinda tilted her head back and they kissed. There was none of the earlier urgency, instead they ran their tongues across each other’s lips, Julia in small darting movement while Belinda caressed her friend’s lips. ‘Are you sure Troy is okay with us doing this?’ Belinda broke the intimate silence after several minutes of kissing and touching had revitalised her arousal. ‘He specifically said it was okay for us to do what we liked with each other,’ Julia smiled. ‘Come then,’ Belinda stood.
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