This minor difference, amplified many times, caused her dress to slip higher on her thigh whenever her knee lifted. Near the end, when Mom was playing with particular enthusiasm, a dark strip poked through from underneath her dress. Her panties. Even in the dim light, the puffiness of this narrow strip created the distinct impression that it yearned to be free of constraint. Thankfully, the song ended or I would have flubbed even my simple role. Mom wound up with a flourish and turned to face me. I tore my eyes away to look into her flushed face. "That was wonderful, darling!" she exclaimed, her usual cheerful self reclaimed. I nodded rather than speaking so I could look at her legs, now closed but still bare almost to the very top. "Well, I'd better go check on your father," Mom's sigh seemed to bring her back to earth. She spun around the end of the bench and I turned to get up on my side. "Damn!" Mom yelled.Her outburst caused me to wheel around. She was sitting with her back to. "Lewis said, "She got you on that score Bobbie. Sometimes I think youearned the nickname of Chesty more than me."Bobbie said, "We are both hard chargers."At the diner Lewis and Bobbie caught up on old times and each other.Lewis found Bobbie was married and the mother of twins. Bobbie foundLewis was divorced. His ex-wife could not stand the pressure of being acop's wife. He never had any children. He thought he was lucky on thatcount for children in a divorce often blame themselves for theirparent's problems.After the break and the remember when session, Bobbie drove the rest ofthe way to Scott's house in Oswego. Scott greeted them warmly. He said,"There is a bathroom over there. There is one upstairs with a showerand tub. Refresh your tired minds and bodies and I will get yourluggage and place them in your rooms."Nicole asked, "Why show us the bathrooms first?"Scott said, "Something my mom taught me. If you have guests, show themthe bathroom. Your lady friends most importantly. If.
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