Maybe we need to . . . maybe we should postpone this until I can go buy some . . . go get some condoms.’ Dakota laughed. ‘Is that all?’ she asked. Still smiling, she reached over to her purse and opened it. Out fell two boxes of condoms. Cocking an eyebrow at her, Luke said, ‘Two boxes? Aren’t we a little hopeful!’ Even though the issue of birth control had now been sorted out, the sexual tension of the moment had been broken. Dakota seemed somewhat relieved that they were cooling back down, and Luke wondered why that irked him. Did he really want this woman, who was practically a stranger to him, to be all hot and bothered over him? Yes, damn it – he did! Dakota stood up and offered Luke her hand. She said, ‘Let’s go down to the stables.’ Luke looked a little surprised, but it was her fantasy – if she wanted to go to the stables, then they would go to the stables. Chapter Six When Dakota and Luke arrived at the barn where the horses were kept, they were discussing their experiences. If you’re interested, send me an email, and we can make an appointment for you to come to my studio, which is here.” The page listed an address that she knew was in a part of town where numerous small businesses had storefronts in strip malls. As she thought about it, she even had some faint recollection of seeing the place, which hadn’t struck her as out of the ordinary in any way. It looked like any other storefront. After the initial shock, she opened the previous page in another tab to discover that all of his photography was nude, that he shot video as well, and that much of it was used to provide content to pornographic websites. When curiosity prompted her to view example photos, she found that while the photos under the heading for porn were certainly that, they were a great deal less raunchy than she would have anticipated, and most involved women her age with young men. She had never even considered anything of the nature before, but she wasn’t shy about her body. In her.
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