He opened my shirt buttons to cover me with apron, I observed that his fingers were grazing on my nipples which are visible from my light textured shirt while covering me with apron. He started his hair cut as he was leaning on the chair handle, his penis and balls are occassionally touching my hand which I rested on the chair handle. I could feel his penis throbbing and getting erect at the touch of my hand. I slowly inched my fingers towards his crotch and started rubbing his zip area. He smiled at me and removed my apron to find my hand on his penis. He continued his hair cut without any objection, I gathered courage and pulled his zip down and pushed my hand inside his fly. I touched his penis which was already erect through the thin material of his underwear. I could feel the warm rod like penis even from the confines of his underwear. I groped for his pant buttons and pulled down his pant & underwear together. Both fell down to his ankles exposing his almost 8 inch erect black. Though I was now sixteen, I didn’t have any strong emotional feelings for any other boys - Tony was it.As for my wicked little brother, I loved him too but without the strong emotion. I didn’t tell him I could fuck him for about a year as I just wanted it to be me and Tony. Charlie still fucked my arse from time to time but I had to control him there as I didn’t really like it too much and he was rough and too big. I never offered my arse to Tony and he never asked. I mostly just sucked and jerked Charlie and then he also found a couple of girls at school who would do the same for him so he wasn’t as demanding of me.A very strange thing happened soon after my sixteenth birthday. My group of girlfriends had started to have slumber parties every few months and our parents were happy to take it in turns to host us all over night. The parties were pretty tame affairs but we did start to have girlie crushes on each other and do a bit of pashing and eventually one of us showed our fanny.
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