My third class that day was English Lit. It was mid- afternoon and the room was too warm. The air- conditioning was making a half-hearted effort to cool the room, but failing miserably. I could feel my eyelids drooping downward like a pair of old drapes.The teacher, Mr. Brown, was boring enough to put someone in a coma. He spoke in a complete monotone. I could imagine him as a robot, his mouth as a metal slot, the words coming out of his maw in index card size with computer codes, like those old computers from the 50's.I bit my lip to keep myself from giggling. It was easy to see that he had intoned his introduction over the course of many years, possibly decades. I tried to tune out the formless droning, my eyes following a little fly that had landed on my desk. I yawned. Glancing over the syllabus that he had just passed out, I could also see that he probably hadn't attended any workshops recently. It was probably the same regurgitated form that he been using since about the Second. I was very nervous; no one had ever seen me in my 'kit' before. She reassured me saying there was nothing to be frightened about as she glided over to me. I stood up as she ran her long red fingernails over my shirt, easily opening the buttons. My eyes gazed at the deep cleavage before me. Her sweet perfume intoxicated me, I felt powerless to resist. When my shirt was open she undid my belt and eased my zipper down, licking her lipsticked lips as she did so. Her beautiful lips were perfectly made up in the same deep red shade of lipstick as her red nail varnish.As my trousers fell to the floor she let out a pleasing gasp. Her eyes widened at the sight of my sheer lace-top black stockings."Very pretty!" she said as she ran her hand across the sheer fabric.Her soft touch sent pleasure pulses running through my body making my silky scarlet panties bulge. She bent down and ran her hands all the way down my nylon stockings and back up again. Stopping at the top to smooth them clear of any.
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