I pay close attention to your lovely breast and then to your clit. Then rinsing you off the same way as I did your back. I begin lightly massage your lovely breast paying attention to your nipples. I watch one then the other one slowly working down to your legs and toes, then back up to your clit until you begin to moan again. I then pick you up and carry you over to the other massage table I have set up with a big beach towel spread out on it and then lay you down on it rolling you over onto your stomach. Patting you dry, then pick up the body oil and begin to work it into your neck and slowly work down your lovely back. I proceed down each leg and foot massaging the oil into you. While doing this I kiss every inch of you’re back to your lovely butt. I can feel you lifting your butt to make contact with my kisses waiting for me to make my way to your rose bud. With anticipation you lift it up to me and you reach back and open your butt to me. I know you want me to lick it and slid. Maybe you might try panties soon? After the operationthey will fit you nice and snug."Oh! The operation. "When is that due to happen?" I asked dreadingthe answer."Quiet, soon." came the reply."What will become of me? I will be missed by my friend John." Don't you worry about him? As we speak he is getting ready tojoin you. I sent him an invite months ago and it's only now hecan come to visit you. As for you, I can see you getting muchcloser to Michel. After all I want to make sure everything works.In as little as three weeks you may be losing your new foundvirginity."As soon as I heard this I collapsed from the shock.I woke the next morning to find the doctor had not wasted anytime. The terrible pain from my crotch told me something wasdreadfully wrong. I cried as I lifted up the blankets to find mywhole genital area covered in bandages.'Oh Christ! He has done it. I'm a girl.' I drifted back to sleep.Drugs I suspected.I slept through the next couple of days unaware of anythingreally..
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