Brenda saw an opportunity to bend her head and torso down and began to eat Brenda’s pussy. Now we were cooking with gas. As I fucked Brenda, my cock slipped out of her and Jeri was right on it, sucking my cock before guiding me back into Brenda’s hot, wet cunt. We were positioned perfectly, as we all were going to cum soon. Brenda came first, her pussy convulsing around my cock as I kept up the heavy motion and thrusting. She began to squirt heavily, soaking my cock and finding its way onto Jeri’s face. Jeri kept right on licking as she received Brenda’s shower of fluid. All that pussy juice had an effect on me as well. I was fighting a losing battle to control myself, and soon was ready to unload my hot, sticky cum inside Brenda’s pussy. “Ladies,” I exclaimed. “I’m cumming! Here it comes!” As soon as I spoke those words I began to unleash a torrent of cum inside Brenda’s pussy. After a few shots from my cannon I withdrew in order to give Jeri some of my seed. It struck her on the. He did not wear his robe, but an expensive but inconspicuous business suit. Even with a Cruise ship it was a long trip and the ship would stop at several Klack worlds, at Archa and then make the long trip to Tink. He used the time to educate himself, conference with his assets and agents.He learned that the Three Men had arrived in a fast Saresii ship at Perryton and from a contact he learned they then left for Nilfeheim. Maybe it was possible to intercept and capture them in space. Former Admiral Swybar had both the means and a fast ship. Attempting such a feat of course was about as risky as could be. Having three prominent members of the Assembly captured deep in Union Space, would stirr a Hornets nest of unprecedented proportions. Union would go to war and scour the entire galaxy, turn every rock and squeeze every info source. No this was not the way to go, besides it would not be easy anyway.The Saresii ship was certainly not slow and could only be attacked in real space,.
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