She picked at the front bra clasp, popping it open to expose her tits. The brassiere joined the discarded clothing pile. She leaned forward as she slid down her plaid skirt, skimming her panties along with it. She stood attentively, mostly naked, as Ned silently examined the disrobed young woman. Her face was fresh and youthful. Her nipples were plush and pointy on well-formed breasts. The hollow of her belly button was centered on toned abs, resting above good hips and a plump little pussy half hidden between fleshy thighs. Ned rose and dropped his shorts. His cock was elongated but not quite stiff, certainly not erect. Both understood that it was Candy’s duty to remedy that and get Ned ready for fucking. Candy knelt and Ned stepped forward to feed her his penis. She took him in and bobbed her lips along the shaft, tonguing him as much as possible, achieving an acceptable bulkiness. Her initial duty accomplished, Ned lifted her face off his cock and pressed her backwards onto the. Bobby quickly cuffed Pepper to the bed frame where he struggled in vain. Tears rolled down her face as Salt quickly dropped to her knees and peeled Bobby’s rigid cock out of his pants and immediately leaned down to take him into her mouth. She didn’t dally, but immediately commenced to take the full length of his cock into her mouth as she fucked him avidly with her tongue, anxious to get it over. The older guy, Jimmy unzipped and started to stroke his cock. Suddenly he grabbed Salt’s hair in his fist. ‘Give me a turn,’ he demanded, shoving his ugly cock into Salt’s throat and making her gag. She fought like mad to get back and he only relented by withdrawing half way, but only to pound in violently, again and again, while Bobby got behind her and started to probe her pussy with his cock. Salt’s pussy was still wet and open from her unconsummated fuck with Pepper, so Bobby slid in easily. Salt couldn’t believe it. She was getting fucked at both ends by two old fat cops and she was.
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