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Her arms were through the loops when she suddenly turned towards the door as she popped each suntanned melon into it's own lace covered carry bag.Our eyes locked and with a loud yell of "WHAT?" she opened the door, grabbed the towel and pulled me into the room.The towel was not very secure around my waist and Junee's sudden lunge ripped it off and it sailed across the room.There I stood, buck naked, with a throbbing erection pointing straight at Junee, then to make matters even worse for me Charl-e came back to see what all the noise was about. She was also in some skimpy lingerie and had been in the ensuite doing her hair. It was at this moment that my cock started to to point south as I waited for my mini-sex bomb wife to explode!I was struggling to get any words out to explain that it wasn't how it looked when Charl-e cozied up to me and ran one hand over my naked butt and the other stroked my confused manhood.Charl-e said that she always believed I didn't like her sister but. My mom picked up instantly on what I was doing. "Oh my god Alex! Stop that! You are blowing on my nipples trying to make them hard!" "Sorry mom...I got carried away with how beautiful your tits look!" My mom smiled and blushed then she pinched her nipples. "There is that what you wanted to see Alex." Her nipples were at least a quarter of an inch long, perfect for sucking on! Then my mom shook her upper body back and forth making them sway and giggle around. My cock was fully erect, making a tent out of my boxers again as well as a pre cum wet stain was becoming evident. "Do you like them? Do you think they look good?" my mom asked me. "They look great mom! They are the best tits I have ever seen!" My mom smiled at me and then she got up, bent over to pick up her bra and shirt. My lust, my taboo thoughts and my entire dark jack off fantasy's spoke up in my mind; almost forcing me to say what I did next. "Mom, can I touch them?" My mom stopped what she was doing, holding her bra in.
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