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Everything else we all have "he" had, and his height looked to be slightly above average. As I looked at "Jake", Gloria let "Jill" out of her trunk. Her appearance was a spooky cross between Connie's when she was in her mid twenties, and Gloria's now. "She is a relica of me," Gloria said, "40Cs, size 10 clothes, and my exact build." I stood there not knowing what to say or do, but felt Gloria needed some kind of reassurance, so I asked, "How often do you use Jake?" "Last time was the night I came over to ask you to help with my house cleanout," she said, "But not since, because you have taken his place." She wrapped her hand around Jake's penis and laughed, "I can do this all night, and he doesn't react...just like my late husband!", only difference is that at least he's always hard." I couldn't help myself...I laughed at that, too. "What about Jill?" I asked. Gloria told me she hadn't been out of the trunk in a few years...before that she actually tried a three-way with them, but is. That was enough to get the attention of the man who had been grabbing for Maria's legs. He straightened up and tried to draw his gun, but Billy beat him to it. Billy put a bullet into the bushwhacker's chest, and that ended the argument as far as the bushwhacker was concerned.The two lovers embraced and again demonstrated their deep love for each other. Billy dragged the two bodies away from camp and resolved to stay within sight of Maria for the rest of the day. He took advantage of the remaining daylight to check through their loot from the day's work with the bushwhackers. This group did not appear to be very successful, since he found less than $200 in all of the moneybelts, combined. They now had so many guns and knives that they could have equipped a small army. Billy decided to take advantage of so many guns by lining the entire inside of the driver's box of their wagon with hanging holsters holding Colt revolvers. Maria should never run short of weapons, now, no matter what.
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