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On the way there, Jacobs cell rang, and about 30 seconds after, Ryan’s rang. They both were scheduled for a last minute hockey practice, and because I didn’t like hockey (I played football and rugby), it was left to me, Kelly and Kady. Kady quickly spotted some one she knew, and invited her along too. Brooke was extremely attractive, having rather large breasts, always showing off her cleavage and also had a nice ass. (not too big, but just big enough so that you couldn’t keep your eyes off it) But despite her attractiveness, I didn’t really like her because of her slutty and bitchy attitude. But hey, who’s to complain when you’ve got yourself surrounded by three extremely hot chicks. We finally got to the movie, and because it was a 4 pm showing, the theatre was empty, just me, and the three girls. As the movie started, none of us were really interested in the movie (some crappy romantic comedy), we all laughed loudly when a stupid joke came on, and we mucked around throwing popcorn. This isn’t about us breaking up. Far from it. I want to make sure we stay together.” “Oh, right,” I said relieved. Feeling far happier, I asked, “So what do you have in mind?” “Well, I was thinking of a one strike rule.” I looked quizzically at my chummy mummy and she continued, “Right now I give you a warning, sometimes several, before getting to the end of my tether and giving you another spanking. Instead, once you have been given a spanking, rather than keep giving you warnings after your spanking, I will then specify a period of time; one day, two days, maybe three days, during which you get no warning. If you do anything whatsoever that deserves a spanking then I will give you one straight away. The One Strike rule. I know that might even mean more than one spanking a day but I think that will teach you to think before you speak. Oh, and I need to be really in charge so in future you will be naked when spanked.” Sharon took a deep breath before continuing, “Well, what do you.
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