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. I’m sorry” He let her off the leash while he got a face wipe from the car he wiped the dried cum from her face then picked up a stick off the floor he threw it towards a bench she stopped and looked at him knowing what was coming next. “Fetch” Anna looked horrified but thought if she wanted to be a good doggy then she will do as he asked. She looked nervously around to check no one was around then crawled as fast as she could towards the stick and picked it up with her mouth. “Good girl” Anna dropped the stick looked up and smiled at him knowing that she has done very well. “Now lie over my knee so I can punish you” Robert pulled out the wooden paddle he had used on her last, her ass was already red but it was fading slightly. He started lightly moving in rhythm and hitting each cheek all over covering every inch of her ass, making the plug move inside her with each hit, then he moved down her thighs the swats were getting harder and faster her ass and thighs were. “I never got your name,” he said. She smiled up at him, enjoying the feeling of his hands basically massaging her hand. She thought it was weird at first, because she had never had anyone do that before, but she liked that he was being different and tried a different approach. “It’s Camille,” she answered, “and yours?” “Gabe,” he replied. As he worked his way up her arm, his mind drifted to his friends back at the hotel. It wasn’t difficult to run from their eyes – their coach said they’ve got two days of leisure before leaving back home from the swim meet – so little after 10 p.m. there was only Gabe and coach it their hostel. He just told him he’ll be back before dawn, and left, dressed in his usual attire. After retrieving his bag from nearby bushes he used the first dark alley he encountered to change into something less eye-catching. A simple dark blue t-shirt hugged his form, dark jeans, and plain white shoes, also tossing on a jacket. He smirked at his reflection in a window.
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