Bernard knew that he could look up almost as far as Evelyns waist without causing offence. Five. The pressure in his head from being allowed such a slow and luxurious reward made his breath come in pants. For a moment he closed his eyes and he saw the faded images of all the pictures and films that he had been spoon-fed in the last weeks. Not as a solid recollection, more as a mood, a mental climate as he was led to the place that Evelyn decided. The place of scarifice. Six. Bernard at last looked further. His eyes slid up her calfs to the hem of her tight skirt. A lace curtain in black that delicately ended the skirt in dark blue calfskin that shaped over her thighs and smoothed to between them just hinting at what lay between her delicious legs. Seven. There was a tinge of ice in the voice. Bernard hurriedly looked down again at her shoes. Perhaps she had noticed his upward creeping gaze. There was excitement in that, but he knew that when he was rewarded he had to concentrate on. Once I allowed movement, Toni didn't need to be told twice. Quickly thepink panties were in pretty puddle on the floor and Toni was lightlystroking and tugging at Glenda's now-naked clit.Glenda was now moaning ceaselessly behind her gag. Her sex was leaking asteady stream of fluid over Toni's hand, and Toni in turn was rubbing itover Glenda's lips and rubber ball gag. Delicious.Then I had another idea. "Why don't you turn the plug on, Toni."****Everything was now a steady haze of heat and pleasure. I would trance,and be carried away on a lush bed of sex. I would stir and find my cock -not really a cock any more, but a raging hard, protuberant clit - inToni's hand or mouth. Soon I knew I would be in the same position. I wasnumb to everything except the sounds of the music, the deep, throbbingrhythms Mistress had used to condition us; the insistent buzzing of thevibrator pleasuring my ass; and most of all the commands and commentspenetrating to the center of my brain. "Such a willing.
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