So strong a grip, it hurt a little. “Yes, please call me Tom.” “Well lets get started. I think you’ll find my tour a little different than most agents. Also I think you’ll be an easy sell once I get you inside.” Up the side walk we went, she fumbled around in her coat pocket and got the keys and opened the door. It turned out to be no different a tour than any other, or so I thought. Upstairs in the master bedroom she said, “Please don’t mind if I take off my coat, its awfully hot.” Now I could get a better look at those beautiful set of tits. “Please be a darling and get my notebook, I think I left it in the basement.” Off I went, for her I’d do anything. I was just coming up the stairs when I heard the shower running. The door was open in the bedroom when out she came from the bathroom water still dripping off her onto the floor. I couldn’t believe my eyes. She was wiping her pussy off with a towel and had a gazed look in her eyes. “Don’t just stand there, come dry my back.” I sort. When he was empty, when his cock went soft he pulled away and his cock slid out of Jasmin's ass. Richard took Jasmin into his bathroom and had her get in the large shower that was there and to clean her pussy and arse with the shower head. Richard watched as Jasmin went about cleaning herself and then drying off. He took her back out into his office and instructed her to get dressed as he did the same. Once Jasmin was dressed, he took another picture and had her sit back in the chair. He told her she would remember the instructions he gave her about smoking and that she would remember nothing about anything else but that she would feel certain she remembered everything that had happened and that had been said. He also told her to make an appointment to come back and see him again next Saturday.Richard began the process of walking Jasmin back up the stairs, back from the hypnotic state she had been in to a fully awake one. When Jasmin was fully awake Richard asked her if she remembered.
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