" Tom turned to Zofie, looking at her with renewed interest. It seemed she was trying to make some huge revelation. "So what was today?" "Today Tom, was good fortune. I have always thought there is an important difference between the two. You said you were involved in the planning of the games, it would be a good bet that you would be there for the big night." Tom nodded, listening intently. "I had time to do a lot of thinking when I got back to Prague. Where I wanted to go with my life and I knew somehow, I couldn't leave things as they were. I had my little glasses and I looked for you, gambling that you would have a good seat. I saw you and the rest you know." This was a lot for Tom to take in.. "You came to the Olympics, hoping to see me?" "More than hoping, Mr Tom. Intending. There were other ways, but this was the most fun." "Okay. Fuck!" "You are surprised?" "Yes... no... I don't know. My mind is all over the place." “I didn’t ask for your number in Bratislava Tom. It crossed. Would love you to.“Even better toyboy can lick me while I watch. “I am so turned on from watching him give Sarah multi orgasms,” Jan said.For years I have fantasised and wanted to have my ultimate orgasm with Sarah sucking me while another turned on and virtually anonymous woman watches. “I love watching another woman sucking a man to orgasm, especially a well hung one,” Jan smiled, still flushed from watching her toy boy service Sarah. “Been a long time though.”And having her toy boy watching Sarah suck me to orgasm as well would really be something.“Don’t hold back baby, make it really good for me and your toy boy. Show him what he missed out on,” I instructed Sarah as we positioned ourselves, me in an armchair in front of a mirror with Sarah on her knees with a very large floor mirror in front of us.The other woman was already on a chair with her legs wide open urging her toyboy’s lips into her cunt.I watched them as they watched me put on my figure-8 cock ring to enhance and.
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