The past few years, while on vacation, Judy had insinuated Tony had lost interest in sex. She had also made comments to me suggesting that he was not well endowed. I rubbed her feet and suggested that she take off her stockings. She didn't hesitate. She took off her stockings and exposed her sexy bare feet to me. I rubbed her feet and toes. Giving her a good foot massage. After a bit, Judy began to stir in her seat. Seemingly becoming aroused from me rubbing her feet. I took a chance and raised her right foot up to my face and kissed the bottom of her foot. She let out a sigh. Since she didn't stop me I began to kiss and lick all over her foot. Sucking on the heel and balls of her foot and then kissing each toe. Judy began to stir more in her seat. When I began sucking on her toes, she cupped her breast and began to let out soft moans. I massaged her feet and continued sucking on her toes. With each second she became more visibly aroused. I'm not sure if the thought of being caught. He motioned for a drink. I hurried over with the tray. He thanked me and when he walked away I was able to see my wife’s Vagina. It looked sexy. It was a little shiny from the mixture of sweat and cum. She saw me looking and stood up quickly. She said go get me a water. I went for her drink. When I returned I didn’t see her. I sat her water on the table where she had been having sex. I got busy serving the other ladies and gentlemen and lost track of my wife . It had been over an hour since I’d seen her and I was bargaining to worry. I was able to slip down the hall toward the bedrooms. I saw one of the doors not quiet closed and I peeked in. There was my wife laying on her back while a muscled up black guy beat his cock into her pussy. Her thin white legs where wrapped around His waist. Her legs fell to either side of him and he later got off her. As soon as he was off her another guy took his place. He started right away fucking her extremely hard. I could hear her grubts between.
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